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Steward Leader Institute

We multiply steward leaders who are set free to lead with joy. Steward leaders set aside personal agendas to pursue God’s agenda and serve with a kingdom mindset.

The Steward Leader Institute offers programs in ministry fundraising, Business God’s Way, governance, faithful administration, and sustainability of non-profit organizations.

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Fundraising Institute

Christian fundraising  starts with God of abundance, the God of grace.  He is the chief fundraiser! FRI students gain the proper perspective and the posture of a confident ministry fundraiser rooted in what the Bible teaches about money, giving, and generosity

Non-Profit Governance
and Faithful Administration

Responsible stewardship in Christ-centered organizations demands transparency and accountability. Learn practical ways to manage your records through a foundational understanding of God’s ownership, provision, and allocation of His resources.

On-demand training for
churches and denominations

Churches and Christian organization leaders can also have on-demand, customized training in biblical board governance and board training. We will meet you where you are and help you build your organizational capacity for resource mobilization and the necessary structure to make this happen.

Stories from the Community

Stories from the Community

Advancing the Kingdom of God through biblical
stewardship education and catalyzing a culture of
biblical generosity.

Business God's Way

Business God’s Way is an online meeting that delves into the Word of God in doing business; for the CEO or manager of a
department, small business or large, whether the business is a
start-up or well-established. This six-week, web-based Bible study teaches individuals God’s perspective of operating a business and handling money.

Topics include: Starting Well, Values, Strategy, People, Finances,

and Finishing Well. Practical tools can be accessed in the work-
book as well as electronically and online.

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